Dr. Suzanne Newcomb’s Piano Studio – Student Recital 2024




LessonsAs a full-time piano teacher with over 35 years of experience, Suzanne teaches at her home studio in Upper Arlington as well as at Otterbein University in Westerville.  She was honored by being chosen the 2011-12 Independent Teacher of the Year by the Central East District of OhioMTA. Suzanne continues her education by attending district, state, and national conferences regularly and participating in pedagogical seminars.

In March ’23, Suzanne was recognized as an MTNA Foundation Fellow in Reno during their annual conference.

Dr. Newcomb teaches a well-rounded traditional curriculum, carefully individualized for the needs of each student.  While sharing her passion for music, students benefit from her inspiration and attention to detail. Her pedagogical lineage and extensive teaching experience give students the best possible course of study to follow their own musical path.

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Piano Teacher Columbus, Ohio